Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday the 13th

I had a pretty boring day today. I didn't learn a new life lesson or anything fun. I sat at school and did work. Which is super boring by the way. Oh but I did finally listen to Adele's new song and it's really good. I was waiting until some of the hype died down so I could enjoy it without having to hear it every five minutes.

I'm super excited because today is Friday the 13th which I've taken as my lucky day. And winter-guard starts next week on Tuesday and I can't wait to pick up a flag and a rifle again. If you don't know wha winter-guard is, it's basically color-guard but indoor. And if you don't know what color-guard is, we are pretty much the flag people in the marching band. You should totally check out a marching band show because there are some pretty amazing bands out there. My season just ended this past weekend and it certainly wasn't our best but I blame that on us getting a new band director. Okay I'm gonna stop ranting but I will definitely update you guys tomorrow on my really boring life.

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