Saturday, November 14, 2015


So my tv hasn't been working for the past couple which sucked because it's the only way I can fall asleep. But today I plugged it back in and it worked! I have never so happy. Which is lie, but I say that whenever something good happens.

Now for my mini rant. I was reading this story on Wattpad (which is where I spend all my time) and I noticed a really bad grammatical error. Now I didn't say anything because I'm not one for confrontation but it just bothered me. The sentence was something like "Cerberus laid their heads on the bed" or something and I had a mini freak out. If you read that sentence aloud it makes absolutely no since. Just because he has many heads doesn't mean you use 'their'. That's the equivalent of me saying "Brianna put their feet on the couch" yes I have two feet but you still can't say 'their'. That only works if it's more than one person which last time I checked it wasn't. Cerberus is his name therefor you would still have to say 'his'. So instead it would say "Cerberus laid his heads on the bed" which looks and sounds much better. I'm sorry about that it just really bothered to look at that and not say anything to anyone about it.

Anyhow, I've been really getting tarot cards for all of my life problems and they haven't lied to me once about how a situation will turn out. It's nice to have something to rely on when I get concerned about dumb things. I mean I'm almost always positive anyway about what's going to happen but I like that I can check. I could possibly be psychic which would be way awesome. I usually just get a sense of things and premonitions and things like that. Like lately I've been dreaming about this boy who doesn't have a face because I guess I haven't met him yet but I can tell we a have a connection. And yes I'm one of those weird people who believes in soulmates and crap. But the dreams are becoming more frequent than they used to be and I have no clue what that means. And my future must be too screwed up because the tarot cards don't either. But for now I'll just stress about it.

Ttfn I have to go clean my room.

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